Vincotech new lanunches 1200V flowPIM®module S3+3xPFC with conversion efficiency ranging as high as >99% and thin Al2O3 substrate facilitates overall thermal design

2022-10-09 Vincotech News

Higher power density, higher power ranges – the market expects no less from next-gen embedded drives, heat pumps and HVAC systems. Now Vincotech has engineered a groundbreaking topology to tackle this tough challenge: The new 1200V flowPIM®S3+3xPFC featuring current-synthesizing PFC (CS-PFC) strikes the best balance between performance and system cost to benefit your business.

Samples of the new flowPIM®module S3+3xPFC are available through Vincotech's usual channels.

Main Benefits

●Current-synthesizing PFC slashes module costs by 25% (up to 40% without a booster stage) with conversion efficiency ranging as high as >99%

●System costs come down with fewer and smaller inductors on the PCB

●No large electrolytic DC-link capacitors for even more system-level savings

●Thin Al2O3 substrate facilitates overall thermal design

●Integrated thermal sensor simplifies temperature measurement


●Embedded drives

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