The CHA4314-98F: A New Wideband MPA Covering C and X Bands

2020-08-29 UMS
wideband MPA,CHA4314-98F,wideband MPA,CHA4314-98F

UMS released a new wideband MPA, the CHA4314-98F which can cover C and X bands.

This circuit features excellent technical characteristics: Gain (19dB), OIP3 (34dBm), OP1dB (26dBm) and PAE @ 31% @ 1dB comp and 34% @ 3dB comp.

The CHA4314-98F is designed for Radar, Electronic warfare, Point to Point radios, Test & Measurement and general communication applications.


It is designed on a UMS proprietary GaAs 0.15µm technology.


It is proposed in bare die 3.45x1.6x0.07mm

Main Features:

●Frequency range: 4.7-11.3GHz

●Linear Gain: 19dB

●PAE @1dB comp: 31%

●PAE @3dB comp: 34%

●Pout @1dB comp: 26dBm

●OIP3 : 34dBm

●DC bias : 5V @ 180mA

●Chip size : 3.45x1.6x0.07mm

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