Is Schottky Diode Well Sealed with Plastic or Iron?

2024-05-28 LXMICRO Official Website
Schottky diode

In daily work, we often encounter customers who ask such questions: why are there two types of Schottky diode TO-220 packaging: fully plastic packaging and semi plastic packaging (semi plastic packaging is commonly referred to as iron head), and what is the difference between them? Which one would be better? Below, we, Lingxun Electronics, will provide a detailed introduction to the differences and advantages of these two types of packaging:

We often refer to the use of plastic packaging or full plastic packaging, which means that the internal framework, chips, solder pads, and other circuits of Schottky diodes are all integrated and sealed, isolated from the outside world. The material used is epoxy resin, which is a high-grade epoxy material with excellent heat resistance, oxidation resistance, and insulation properties. We know that the application field is mostly in the high-frequency rectification process of power supplies, so safety requirements are relatively high. It is necessary to have good insulation to avoid circuit short circuits and other faults. It is precisely in this way that using fully plastic packaging can effectively avoid contact between internal circuits and the outside world, better protecting circuit safety.

In addition to using full plastic packaging to ensure circuit safety, Schottky diodes also have another type of packaging, which is iron head packaging to solve heat dissipation problems. The difference between using iron head packaging and full plastic packaging. This packaging can significantly improve the effective heat dissipation efficiency of power supplies, and is very suitable for circuits with severe heat generation or high heat dissipation requirements.

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