The Selection of Schottky Diode Should Pay Attention to

2024-05-20 LXMICRO Official Website
Schottky diode,MBR20100

The Selection of Schottky diode Should Pay Attention to:
1.Depending on the voltage Vo, current IO, heat dissipation, load conditions, installation requirements, required temperature rise of the switching power supply, the type of Schottky diode to be selected should be determined. In the general design, we should leave a certain margin. For example, VR uses less than 80% of its rating, and IF uses less than 40% of its rating.

For example: the operating current is 8a, the voltage is 50V, the proposed use of MBR20100

2.Pay attention to the heat dissipation and installation of the power Schottky diode. To find out whether the product is natural cooling or fan cooling, the pipe should be installed in the place of easy ventilation and heat dissipation, in order to improve the reliability of the product. To -220, to -3 p type tube and radiator to add heat conductive silicone grease between the tube and radiator, so that good contact between the tube and radiator.

3.Select the correct RC Compensation Network for the Schottky diode-RC buffer. Because the leakage inductance of a high-frequency transformer and the junction capacitance of the tube form a resonant circuit at cut-off time, it can result. Therefore, it is necessary to set the RC buffer in the power output to protect the safety of the tube. In addition, the RC network can reduce the output noise, reduce the heat consumption of the pipe, and improve the efficiency and reliability of the product.

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