PUTTING EFFICIENCY FIRST FOR YOU——The new full SiC 3-phase flowPIM 1 + PFC for power ranges up to 11 kW

2023-12-18 VINCOTECH
power module,10-FY12APA036MR-PB18E98Z,flowPIM 1 + PFC,10-FY12APA036MR-PB18E98Z

Efficiency is a big deal for heat pumps and HVAC systems that require higher power from a smaller footprint. The new Vincotech power module  1200 V PIM+PFC resolves that contradiction by taking efficiency to a whole other level. Featuring a 3-phase ANPFC and an inverter stage, it enables your engineers to design more deeply integrated systems that drive costs down.

Samples are available through our usual channels.

Main Benefits

  • All-in-one solution: 3-phase PFC with inverter stage in a compact flow1 housing allows for more compact designs and higher power density

  • AN-PFC with SiC MOSFETs and SiC diodes for up to 200 kHz: remarkably efficient topology brings down system costs

  • Thin Al2O3 substrate facilitates overall thermal design

  • Inverter stage featuring SiC MOSFETs for high-frequency switching

  • Integrated thermal sensor simplifies temperature measurement


  • Embedded Drives

  • HVAC, Heatpumps

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