Sheen‘s Thermal Silicone Adhesive Film Is Installed Using 7 Steps

2023-11-07 SHEEN News
Thermal Silicone Adhesive Film,silicone film,fiberglass-reinforced thermal interface material

In ordinary life and work, the Thermal Silicone Adhesive Film has been gradually widely used in electronic and electrical products, such as control boards, motors, external pads and foot pad, electronic appliances, automotive machinery, computer host, laptop, DVD, VCD and module materials that require filling and heating. It is made of silicone resin, with the addition of auxiliary materials such as metal oxides, and processed into a thermal medium material. Its main function is specifically for gap heat transfer, and it also plays a role in insulation, shock absorption, sealing, and other functions.

In this article, SHEEN will share 7 steps for installing a thermal silicone adhesive film.

Keep the surface and end of the silicone film clean to prevent the thermal conductivity of the silicone thermal adhesive film from getting dirty, otherwise, the thermal conductivity and sealing thermal conductivity of the dirty silicone thermal adhesive film will be worse.

Take the hot melt adhesive film. A larger area of hot melt adhesive film should be crawled from the center position, and smaller pieces do not need to be grabbed because the uneven thermal conductivity of large hot melt adhesive films can cause deformation and even damage to the hot melt adhesive film in subsequent operations.

Take the film with your left hand and tear off one of the detached protective films with your right hand. The protective film on both sides cannot be torn at the same time to reduce the number and area of direct contact with the silicone film, maintain the thermal conductivity and self-adhesion of the silicone film, and the thermal conductivity will not be damaged.

Tear off the protective film on the side and face it towards the radiator, aligning the silicone film with the first thermal conductivity of the radiator. Slowly lay down the hot silicone adhesive film. Be careful not to generate bubbles.

If bubbles are generated during the operation, pull up the end and repeat the above steps, or gently wipe the bubbles with a tool, not too much force, to avoid damaging the hot silicone film.

Remove the other side of the protective film, into the radiator, and tear off the last side of the protective film too small, to avoid injury or pull up the Thermal Silicone Adhesive film.

Fastening or strong thermal conductivity of silicone film, the radiator exerts a certain pressure and is stored for some time to ensure that the thermal silicone adhesive film is fixed.

In short, the thermal effect of thermal silicone adhesive film is very good. When installing thermal silicone adhesive film, it is recommended that you be careful, not to be too impatient, which can cause damage to bubbles and hot films, wasting money and time.

SC900FG(Soft Tack) is a fiberglass-reinforced thermal interface material featuring inherent tack on both sides. The material exhibits excellent thermal performance at low mounting pressures. The material is supplied on two liners for exceptionally easy handling prior to auto-placement in high-volume assemblies. The material is ideal for placement between an electronic power device and its heat sink.

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