Lattice sensAI Studio User Guide Application Note

■The Lattice sensAI™ Studio is a user interface-based tool for training, validating, and compiling Machine Learning (ML) models optimized for Lattice FPGAs. The tool makes it easy to take advantage of transfer learning to deploy ML models. It allows you to select from a range of models pre-trained to cover popular use cases, bringing your own data for additional training, validating the quality of training using Tensor Board, and compiling for Lattice FPGAs.
■The features of the Lattice sensAI Studio are:
▲Model Zoo with variety of models based on multiple architecture
▲Option to bring your own model and environment into framework
▲Easy to use dataset pre-processing such as labeling, annotation conversion, augmentation
▲Model training, freezing, TensorBoard
▲Different types of transfer learning
▲Storage management
▲Informative dashboard for better visualization
▲Support to compile model for various Lattice provided FPGAs
▲JupyterLab interface for code editing
▲User management and collaboration
▲DIY installation and setup with docker container on CPU/GPU PC/Server
■This document describes the installation/configuration, usage, and troubleshooting of the Lattice sensAI Studio


interface-based tool



Application note & Design Guide



Please see the document for details



English Chinese Chinese and English Japanese

May 2021

Revision 1.0


3.8 MB

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