In the Amateur UHF/VHF Frequency Bands, What are the Service Divisions in the Low Frequency Range?

2021-12-10 UIY

For amateur radio communications, VHF and UHF frequency bands are frequently and convenient used by radio enthusiasts. Whether at home, in a car, traveling, or at work, they are all accompanied by U/V frequency bands equipment. So what is the U/V segment?This post UIY will introduce in the amateur UHF/VHF frequency bands, what are the service divisions in the low frequency range?



The VHF frequency band ranges from 30 to 300 MHz, and the radio wave wavelength is 10 to 1 m, so VHF is also called the meter wave band.

the UHF frequency band ranges from 300 to 3000 MHz, and the radio wavelength is 1 m to 1 dm, so UHF is also called the decimeter wave band.

In radio communications, VHF refers to very high frequency radio waves. Its full English name is Very High Frequency and abbreviated as VHF;UHF refers to ultra-high frequency radio waves. Its full English name is Ultra High Frequency.

When multiple services share the same frequency band, the same service types have the same frequency status in the absence of clear regulations.

When encountering frequency interference, it is generally handled in accordance with the principles of first user first, planned use takes precedence over unplanned.

When there is harmful interference from the primary service frequency by the secondary service frequency, the secondary service user should actively take effective measures to eliminate the interference as soon as possible.


In the frequency range of 144-146MHz, it is used for the main services including amateur services and satellite amateur services, as well as for the secondary services including radio positioning services and aeronautical mobile (OR) services. This frequency band is the only frequency band in the entire radio frequency range that only uses amateur radio communications as the main service and is shared with other services.

In the frequency range of 146-148MHz, it is used for major services including amateur services, fixed services, mobile services, and for secondary services including radiolocation services

In the frequency range of 430-440MHz frequency band, the main services are radio positioning services and aviation radio navigation services, The secondary services are amateur services and satellite amateur services.

Generally speaking, these two frequency bands are used in direct communication of several kilometers or even tens of kilometers, and they are often used for repeater communication in cities. Except for EME and satellite communications, which are basically the frequencies most-commonly used by all radio enthusiasts when they get started. Many old enthusiasts often use this frequency band for local communication and chat.

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