Nisshinbo‘s NC2600 Series 2A Low Quiescent Current PWM/PFM Step-down Switching Regulator with Input Voltage Range of 2.3V to 5.5V (6.5V)

2022-10-20 Nisshinbo News
Step-down Switching Regulator,NC2600ZAxxxxE2S,NC2600GTxxxxE4S,NC2600

The NC2600 is a low quiescent current PWM/PFM 2A Step-down Switching Regulator IC using CMOS-based.

The NC2600 is available in WLCSP-8-P11 and DFN2020-8-GT (Under Development), and it is suitable for use in wearable and IoT devices that require miniaturization and a long lifetime of the battery.


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