Laird Thermal Systems MSX Series: Advanced Thermoelectric Cooling Solutions for High Performance Imaging Sensing Applications

2024-09-12 Laird Thermal Systems Official Website
TEC,multistage micro thermoelectric coolers,MSX,HSX

The MSX Series utilizes advanced ceramic materials, proprietary automation and next-generation thermoelectric materials to boost cooling capacity by as much as 10% and assure high process repeatability.

The multistage TECs offer micro footprints on the cold side down to 2.0 x 4.0 mm’s with height thicknesses down to:

  • 3.3 mm’s for 2 stage

  • 3.8 mm’s for 3 stage

  • 4.9 mm’s for 4 stage

The compact MSX Series is used to deliver deep cooling to well below ambient in high-performance imaging sensing applications including:

  • Infrared (IR) Detectors

  • Charge-Coupled Devices (CCD)

  • Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductors (CMOS)

  • X-Ray Detectors

The applications for this product series tend to be highly customized requiring unique ceramic substrate materials and thicknesses. Two solder constructions are available to accommodate reflow temperatures up to 230°C or 280ºC. MSX is offered in Au-plated pads or uninsulated lead wires for lead attachment.

Series (Solder Construction)

Ceramic Materials

Surface Finish Options

Lead Attachment

Optical TEAs

MSX multistage micro thermoelectric coolers are available as a standalone or integrated into an optical package called Optical TEAs. Laird Thermal Systems has a proprietary bonding technique to adhere TECs to optical packages with minimal solder voiding. Solder types used are below melt temperatures of TEC solder construction and optical packaging is specified by the customer.

Optical TEA Capabilities

Surface Finish Options

Minimal to no solder voiding

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