ZF’s KNX-RF Switch Module Allows for Flexibility

2024-08-15 ZF Electronics Official Website
Switch Module,Energy harvesting switch modules,KNX-RF,KNX-TP

Auerbach. The KNX standard is a manufacturer independent bus system for building automation applications. KNX-RF communicates in the 868MHz frequency band and can be connected to an existing bus system or operate individually. As a member of the KNX Association, the range of their existing member’s products is now complimented with ZF’s KNX-RF Switch Module.

Energy harvesting switch modules are a smart, resource-saving solution for smart homes. They work without batteries, require no wiring, and are completely maintenance-free. The energy is generated purely by the mechanical actuation based on an inductive principle.

Besides the classic application as a light control switch, ZF presents the KNX-RF switch module as a control element for window shutters. By mechanical actuation of the switch, enough energy is generated to send the KNX-RF directly to a receiver. The module can be used as a light switch with or without dimming or as a shutter control.

Total flexibility

The switch module allows for complete flexibility during installation in terms of location. Existing rooms and office areas can also have the technology retrofitted very easily. The modules are available in serial production and can be used with available design parts. An intelligent operating concept makes the possibility of up to six different functions possible (standard usage as a switch module with four functions – light on/off and shutter up/down). KNX-RF is suitable for an extension of new or existing wired KNX systems (such as KNX-TP) and is therefore an ideal solution provider, especially in the retrofit business.

The KNX-RF module from ZF is included in the ETS catalog and can be configured via ETS without any gateway. 

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