Definition, Types, and Symbols of Insulated Gate Field-effect Transistors

2024-05-18 LXMICRO Official Website
insulated gate field-effect transistors,MOS transistor,metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors,field-effect transistor

The full Chinese name for insulated gate field-effect transistors is metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors. Due to the isolation of the gate of this type of field-effect transistor by the insulation layer, it is also called insulated gate field-effect transistor, abbreviated as MOSFET in English, and generally referred to as MOSFET.

The input resistance of MOSFET is very high, reaching over 109 Ω. From the perspective conductive channels, it can be divided into two types: N-channel and P-channel. Whether it is an N-channel or a P-channel, it can also be divided into enhanced and depleted types.

N-channel MOSFETs are commonly referred to as NMOS, while P-channel MOSFETs are referred to as PMOS.

An MOS transistor has three pins, gate G, drain D, and source S. Typically, the substrate of the MOS transistor is connected to the S pole inside the transistor, and there is usually a parasitic diode between the D and S poles of the MOS transistor. Therefore, the symbol of the MOS transistor you see is usually drawn as follows

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