Adcol and Sekorm Announced a DistributorAgreement That Brings Semiconductor Dehumidifiers, Semiconductor Air Conditioners and More

2022-08-12 世强
thermal conductive interface materials,semiconductor dehumidifiers,semiconductor air conditioners,semiconductor coolers

Sekorm signed an agreement with Adcol, adding a new thermoelectric material manufacturer on the platform.


Adcol is a domestic manufacturer with more than 50 years of experience in semiconductor refrigeration and heat conduction. It has been continuously putting new products into the market, including thermal conductive interface materials, semiconductor dehumidifiers, semiconductor air conditioners, semiconductor coolers, thermal conductive silicon wafers, and semiconductor cold water baths, etc. It is committed to providing customers with a complete set of semiconductor refrigeration solutions from application information collection, rapid design, and material selection to sample production.


The whole line of Adcol products has been launched on Sekorm, and the data manuals, selection guides, and application schemes of all products can be downloaded for free. Any customized demand for products or solutions can be submitted by type selection assistance. Our experts will respond within 48 hours.

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