
As the electronics industry continues to face the increasing trend of heat dissipation in electronic components, water cooling is fast becoming an attractive design option for high performance thermal management. In designing a water-cooled cold plate the followings are some of the important design parameters:
o thermal pefiormance
0 water flow rate
0 pressure dropmechanical strength
0 corrosion & fouling
0 manufacturability
0 cost
Water flow rate and pressure drop influence the size of pumping and plumbing requirements, and ultimately the cost and the physical volume of coolant distribution system. Therefore in designing coldplates, it is of great importance to minimize the water flow rates and the pressure drop, yet ensuring sufficient thermal pefionnance.
In dense electronic packaging applications, there may be a few high heatdissipating components which require a cold plate with a very high level of cooling performance. Certain components with odd physical shapes, such as transformers, may present the cold plate designer with the challenge ofproviding water passages to restricted areas. Figure 1 shows the cooling requirements for a cold plate used with a high-heat dissipating power SUpp&. Each of the six shaded areas (shown as four areas, A,B, C & D) in the figure must COOI a heat dissipation rate of 5 to 15 watts per square centimeter. Also shown in the figure are areas (designated as ‘open area’) where water passage is not allowed due to other packaging requirements. The combination of requirements for highly localized performance and restrictedflow passage adds additional challenge to the cold plate design for this application.
In this paper, two rather unique cold plate design concepts are presented to address therequirements outlined in Figure 1. They are:
o drilled hole design
o press-fit tube design
The cross sections for the designs are shown in Figure 2. These two concepts are suitable to accommodate requirements for localized high-cooling performance, and allow water passages to be laidout around the geometric restrictions.
Developments of the cold plates using these concepts to meet the requirements shown in Figure1 are presented in this paper. Prototype cold plates have been built, and measurements were made forthermal petiormance and pressure drop. Models were developed to predict the thermal performance and the pressure drop. Comparisons between the predicted and the measured values over a range of waterflow rate are presented.


water-cooled cold plate



Application note & Design Guide



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