The Method of Improving the Performance of Needle Connectors

2023-06-01 valnk Knowledge base
needle connectors,connectors,The Method of Improving the Performance of Needle Connectors

This paper briefly introduces the method of improving the performance of needle connectors.

1. Control the existing and upcoming plating facial masks.

Constructing and maintaining a stable impedance of the needle and busbar is part of the requirements of the needle and busbar. In order to achieve this goal, the inherent stability of the metal contact interface must be provided. To form this contact interface, the surface facial mask must be avoided or separated during contact fit. These different choices clearly illustrate the difference between precious and rare metals and ordinary metals.

2. Precious metal coatings (gold, palladium, and other alloys) are free surface films to some extent.

Since only the accompanying biological movement with the surface is required in the matching process, the metal contact formed by the coating is simple. This is often easy to achieve. In order to maintain the stability of the impedance of the contact surface, attention should be paid to maintaining the precious metal of the contact surface and preventing the influence of external factors such as pollutants, substrate metal diffusion, and contact wear.

3. Common metal coatings, especially tin, and tin alloys, are naturally covered with oxide films.

In the contact process of tin coating, because the oxide is easy to be damaged, the metal contact is easy to establish. In order to ensure that the contact interface will not be oxidized during the effective period of the electric contact actuator, and ensure that the oxide film breaks when the needle bar is matched. Under the condition of wear corrosion, reoxidation corrosion is the main mechanism for the decline of the properties of tin contact coatings. The silver contact coating of the needle row and mother row is preferably ordinary metal plating. Because the coating is easily eroded by sulfide and chloride. The formation of the gas valve is generally nickel-plated common metal.

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