Virtual Antenna™ changes everything for IoT device makers

2022-08-31 Ignion
Virtual Antenna,Ignion,Sierra Wireless

The 42 billion connected devices expected by 2025 will need an antenna technology that is not only reliable but that also allows for a speedy product development cycle and shorter time to market. Virtual Antenna™ turbo-charges design cycles for every type of IoT device, regardless of the frequency band or wireless connectivity protocol.

The new whitepaper, “Virtual Antenna™ changes everything for IoT device makers”, covers in detail all aspects of the technical advantages of this new technology, which can easily turn into business advantages for IoT companies. Virtual Antenna™ technology opens the door for accelerated growth and shorter time-to-revenue for IoT device makers.

More than 25 million of Ignion’s antennas have been deployed worldwide. A wide range of IoT companies, including Nordic Semiconductor, Sequans and Sierra Wireless, are using Ignion know-how in their reference chip designs. Customer success stories from various companies, including details about positive business impacts are also available within this whitepaper which shows how Ignion’s Virtual Antenna has changed the rules of the game.

“The Ignion solution has definitely helped us because we’ll be able to launch the product sooner. There’s much less complexity in design and much less time in validation on our side” says Justin Matthews, Wireless Communications Device Architect, Landis+Gyr.

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