AC Servo Motor System SANMOTION G Received GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2023

2024-09-15 SANYO DENKI Official Website

SANYO DENKI is proud to announce that SANYO DENKI AC Servo Systems SANMOTION G has received the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2023 sponsored by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion. The awarded product, AC Servo Systems SANMOTION G, combines “powerful performance” to improve manufacturing efficiency and “eco- and user-friendliness.” SANYO DENKI is honored that the  corporate philosophy, “We at SANYO DENKI Group Companies, aim to help all people achieve happiness, and work with people to make their dreams come true” has been recognized through the product development. SANYO DENKI will continue to address social issues through the development of new technologies and products.

1. Product Overview

(1) Product name 

 AC Servo Systems SANMOTION G 

 (2) Features

AC servo systems can control position, speed, and torque, enabling high-precision positioning. In addition to industrial equipment, the applications of AC servo systems are expanding to everyday life such as medical equipment and transportation systems.

The award-winning SANMOTION G is an AC servo system that achieves advanced servo performance, compactness, light weight, and energy savings, with its servo motors that power various equipment including semiconductor manufacturing equipment and robots, along with servo amplifiers to control them. This product supports a wide range of fields in society and has also achieved the energy savings and size reduction required worldwide.

Evaluation points for the award included a user-friendly design, a compact, eco-friendly motor with enhanced performance, and an amplifier with an easy-to-understand interface. 

 (3) Producer 

Design Dept. 1., Servo Systems Div., / 

Design Dept. 2., Servo Systems Div., /   Shiho Tsukada, Public Relations Sect., Corporate Planning Dept., SANYO DENKI CO., LTD.   

(4) Designer 

Shiho Tsukada, Public Relations Sect., Corporate Planning Dept., /   

Akihiro Matsumoto, Keisuke Ishizaki, Design Dept. 2., Servo Systems Div., SANYO DENKI   CO., LTD.

2. About the GOOD DESIGN AWARD (Organized by Japan Institute of Design Promotion)

GOOD DESIGN AWARD is Japan’s leading commendation system. As a global design award with the participation of many domestic and international companies and organizations, it is held annually to improve the quality of life and utilize design to solve social issues and themes. 

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