MinebeaMitsumi Installs Large-Scale Solar Power Generation Systems at Cebu Plant

2024-08-20 MITSUMI Official Website

Thorough reduction of environmental load, CO2 emissions, and cost with the largest power generation capacity among Japanese factories in the Philippines *1

MinebeaMITSUMI Inc. (Registered Head Office: Nagano, Representative Director, Chairman CEO: Yoshihisa Kainuma, hereinafter referred to as "MinebeaMitsumi") has installed self-consumption solar power generation systems made by Sharp Corporation on the premises of MITSUMI Cebu plant (located in Danao City, Cebu Island, Republic of the Philippines, hereinafter referred to as Cebu plant). By having the systems, MinebeaMitsumi expects to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 6,833t/year (equivalent) at the Cebu plant alone.

The output of the solar power generation systems is approximately 7.9 MW-dc and this is the largest capacity for self-consumption type solar power generation systems installed at a Japanese company's factory in the Republic of the Philippines. Estimated annual power generation amount is approximately 12,806 MWh/year and this is equivalent to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 6,833tCO2/year. The electricity generated will be used within the Cebu plant, contributing to the reduction of grid power usage.

This is the third location where MinebeaMitsumi has installed large-scale solar power generation systems after two production plants in Thailand (Bang Pa-in Plant (Ayutthaya Prefecture) and Lopburi Plant (Lopburi Prefecture)).

Today on October 19, MinebeaMitsumi held an opening ceremony of solar panel completion at our Cebu plant inviting Mr. Hon. Thomas Mark "Mix" Durano of the City Mayor of Danao, Dr. Ceferino S. Rodolfo, Undersecretary, Industry Development and Trade(DTI) Policy Vice Chairman and Managing Head, Board of Investments, and Mr. Hideyuki Inada, Chief Executive Officer of Sharp Solar Solution Asia Co., Ltd.

From MinebeaMitsumi, Tatsuya Mori, Executive Officer, General Manager of Regional Affairs for the Philippines, and Kosuke Hirano, Managing Executive Officer they also attended the ceremony.

MinebeaMitsumi's Cebu plant has continued to expand since it began operations in January 1989 and currently has approximately 20,000 employees*2, producing a wide range of products including semiconductors, camera actuators, and connectors.

Based on the Group's Environmental Policy, MinebeaMitsumi is promoting a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with the fiscal year ending March 2021 by the fiscal year ending March 2031, and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve these, MinebeaMitsumi is considering taking various initiatives, including the introduction of solar power generation systems at our company's bases around the world and enhancing our initiatives on decarbonization and the reduction of environmental burden.

Aiming at our corporate philosophy "To contribute to the realization of a sustainable, eco-friendly and prosperous society by providing better products, at a faster speed, in larger numbers, at a lower cost, and by smarter means," MinebeaMitsumi will continue to strive to further expand the use of renewable energy and build a sustainable society.

Message from Hirozumi Gokaku, President Sharp Energy Solutions Corporation*3

As efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions accelerate around the world, MinebeaMitsumi is very honored to be able to help MinebeaMitsumi Inc. in their advanced environmental efforts in the Philippines through our solar power generation system. We will continue to contribute to the environment and support the spread of sustainable energy by utilizing the knowledge we have accumulated over the years.

Details of solar panel installation

*1 Installation by a Japanese company in the Republic of the Philippines. As of October 19, 2023 (According to MinebeaMitsumi research)
Headquarter: Yao City, Osaka Representative: Hirozumi Gokaku, President

*2 As of the end of March 2023, including part-time and temporary employees

*3 A subsidiary of Sharp Corporation in charge of energy solution business such as sales of solar power generation system and electrical equipment installation.

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