ITW FORMEX® Is An Industry Leader in EV Power Insulation

2024-07-23 ITW Formex Official Website
flame retardant insulation films,FR insulation films,Formex® GK-5BK,ITW Formex

ITW Formex® flame retardant (FR) insulation films are seeing wide adoption in Electric Vehicle (EV) power system applications around the world. Formex® GK-5BK (UL E121855) is the material of choice by global EV battery Tier 1 programs through industry leading manufacturers. Formex® understands EV power insulation safety needs and requirements as well as EV power engineering design considerations. Superior performance specifications make Formex® the ideal insulation solution for EV power system components including EV Battery Pack, EV Onboard Charger, EV DC/DC Converter, EV Power Electronics Controller, EV DC Charging Station, EV Battery Management System and PV Solar Power Inverter.


ITW Formex

ITW Formex is part of the ITW Corporation, a Fortune 200 Company with headquarters in Glenview, Illinois and more than 100 independent operating divisions in over 50 countries. Headquartered near Chicago, the ITW Formex division provides technical and sales assistance, distribution, and production globally from multiple locations in the United States and Asia.®

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