The Differences between IPEX Generation 1 and Generation 4

2024-06-18 Kinghelm Official Website
IPEX interface

The IPEX interface standard is a common specification in RF connections, aiming to provide high-performance and reliable connectivity solutions. With the continuous advancement of technology, different generations of the IPEX interface exhibit differences in terminal diameter, height, socket size, and base dimensions, which directly impact their applicability and performance in practical applications.

IPEX Generation 1

◆ Terminal Diameter: 2.0 millimeters

◆ Height: less than 3 millimeters

◆ Socket Size: a larger socket, supporting a wider range of RF cable diameters

◆ Base Dimensions: a 2-millimeter circular base

IPEX Generation 4

◆ Terminal Diameter: 1.5 millimeters

◆ Height: less than 1.7 millimeters

◆ Socket Size: a smaller socket size

◆ Base Dimensions: a smaller 1.5-millimeter circular base

In conclusion, understanding the differences between different generations of the IPEX interface is crucial for selecting the most suitable interface type for specific application requirements. For compact design needs, IPEX Generation 4 may be the preferred choice, while for applications emphasizing production installation convenience and reliability, IPEX Generation 1 may be more suitable. With the ongoing evolution of technology, we can anticipate the increasingly vital role of the IPEX interface standard in the field of RF connections, providing superior connectivity solutions across various industries

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