The ZM4744A Voltage Regulator Diode Is Widely Used in Reference Voltage Sources

2024-05-30 SLKOR Official Website
Voltage Regulator Diode,Zener diode,ZM4744A,ZM4727

In modern electronic systems, where precise voltage references are crucial for ensuring circuit stability and performance. As a key component providing stable voltage references, the accuracy and stability of the reference voltage source directly impact the performance of the entire system. Among the many components used to implement reference voltage sources, the SLKOR Voltage Regulator Diode ZM4744A plays an indispensable role in electronic design due to its unique advantages.

Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode ZM4744A product photo

Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode ZM4744A specification

Technical Characteristics of ZM4744A

The ZM4744A voltage regulator diode has a series of significant technical parameters that determine its performance and stability in circuits.

Voltage regulation value (nominal value): The voltage regulation value of ZM4744A is 15V, meaning that under normal working conditions, the diode can maintain a stable output voltage of approximately 15V. This is crucial for circuits requiring precise voltage control.

Accuracy: The ±5% accuracy ensures that ZM4744A can provide reliable voltage stability in various environments, making it widely applicable in a variety of scenarios.

Power: With a power rating of 1W, ZM4744A can withstand high power consumption, making it suitable for various high-load applications. The high power rating also ensures the diode's stability and reliability.

Reverse current (Ir): At a reverse voltage of 11.4V, the reverse current of ZM4744A is only 5μA. This characteristic results in low power consumption and heat generation under reverse voltage, thereby extending the diode's lifespan.

Impedance (Zzt): The impedance of ZM4744A is 14Ω, which determines the diode's current limiting capability in the circuit. Proper impedance is helpful in protecting the circuit from excessive current damage.

Parameters of Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode ZM4744A


Various implementation methods for reference voltage sources, including voltage regulator diodes:

Principle: Utilizing the characteristic of voltage regulator diodes to maintain stable voltage output during reverse breakdown to achieve reference voltage sources.

Advantages: Simple, low cost, good stability.

Example: For example, the ZM4744A voltage regulator diode, with a voltage regulation value of 15V, an accuracy of ±5%, and a power rating of 1W, can provide a stable voltage reference under various working conditions.


Application of Voltage Regulator Diodes in Reference Voltage Sources

The primary role of reference voltage sources is to provide a stable and precise voltage reference for circuits. In many electronic systems, such as analog circuits, digital circuits, and sensor circuits, a stable voltage source is needed to provide an accurate voltage reference. Voltage regulator diodes are ideal components for fulfilling this function.


Good stability: Voltage regulator diodes can maintain stable voltage output during reverse breakdown, with minimal output voltage variation with temperature changes. This allows them to provide stable voltage references in various working conditions, ensuring circuit stability and performance.

High accuracy: Voltage regulator diodes typically have high voltage regulation accuracy, meeting the voltage precision requirements of most electronic systems. This enables reference voltage sources based on voltage regulator diodes to provide high-precision voltage references, meeting the needs of high-precision circuits.

High reliability: Voltage regulator diodes have a simple structure and high reliability, capable of stable operation over long periods. This gives reference voltage sources based on voltage regulator diodes high reliability and stability, meeting the requirements of various application scenarios.


Designing Reference Voltage Sources Based on Voltage Regulator Diodes

When designing reference voltage sources based on voltage regulator diodes, several factors need to be considered:

Selection of voltage regulator diodes: It is necessary to choose the appropriate voltage regulator diode model based on specific application scenarios. Different models have different voltage regulation values and accuracy, so selection should be based on actual requirements.

Circuit layout and wiring: Reasonable circuit layout and wiring are crucial for improving the stability and accuracy of reference voltage sources, while avoiding interference and noise in the circuit.

Temperature compensation: Since the output voltage of voltage regulator diodes may vary slightly with temperature changes, temperature compensation is necessary to improve the stability of reference voltage sources. Temperature compensation circuits can be used to minimize the impact of temperature changes on the output voltage.

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