Diotec Rectifier Bridge GBI25J-LV Offers 10% Lower Forward Voltage Drop to Energy Saving Power Supply of Data Servers

2024-04-04 DIOTEC News
input bridge,Rectifier Bridge,Single Phase Bridge Rectifiers,GBI25J-LV

Apps like the "energy-charts.info" by Fraunhofer ISE can help to save energy by using electricity when plenty of renewables are feeding the grid. But, any app requires a working data net, anytime, anywhere. The backbone of the world wide web is masses of data servers, distributed all over the world, preferably in cold regions – due to the better cooling conditions in those areas. Because data servers need energy, power supplies have losses; leading to heat which needs to be removed.

Designing server power supplies in a way that efficiency is as high as possible and thus losses reduced to a minimum is a mandatory target. Due to the masses of data servers, even small improvements will save a lot of energy, if we think globally. The input bridge GBI25J-LV by DIOTEC is built with rectifier chips offering a 10% lower forward voltage drop than the standard version GBI25J. Since always two diodes are conducting per main cycle, the power savings are even 20%. This is a lot for a power supply running 24/7.

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