Smart Garage Door Opener Drive Supplied by Energy Saving Bridge GBI25J-LXN

2024-03-31 DIOTEC News
Energy Saving Bridge,Single Phase Bridge Rectifiers,GBI25J-LX,DIOTEC

Remote opening of the garage door is a feature no driver wants to miss anymore, especially on rainy days. But also, bikers or cyclists enjoy the comfort of opening the garage without getting off the bike, which is a time-saving benefit to daily routines. Up-to-date systems communicate via Bluetooth with smartphones or smartwatches. As soon as the user presses the "open" button on the app, a signal is sent to the garage door system, which in consequence starts the electric motor of the door opener. Smart home systems like KNX offer wired or wireless devices where the garage door is opened remotely using voice commands or again by smartphone app.

The garage door system stays on standby 24/7, and though the power demand in this mode is rather low, the circuit has to fulfill rules like "ENERGY STAR," allowing for a maximum of 0.5 W in standby. When the electric motor starts to open or close the door, the peak current demand is rather high, requiring a powerful rectifier bridge at the AC input of the drive circuit. The GBI25J-LX Single Phase Bridge Rectifiers elegantly combines both: The typical forward voltage drop of the four rectifier diodes is 0.90 V, saving energy during standby operation. Repetitive peak forward current can reach up to 60 A, powerful enough at any time when the motor starts to pull the door. Its single-inline case outline allows for easy heat sink and printed circuit board assembly.

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