MTA announces the acquisition of a business unit of Calearo Antenne

2024-03-27 MTA NEWs

MTA announced today the acquisition of a business unit of Calearo Antenne S.p.A.

The acquisition of Calearo’s company branch took place after MTA Antenne S.r.l., a new company belonging to the MTA Group, on 29 December 2023 won the judicial auction, called by the creditors’ arrangement procedure to which Calearo Antenne S.p.A. is subjected. This competitive proceeding was initiated by MTA S.p.A., which had submitted an irrevocable purchase offer to Calearo's  creditors’ arrangement procedure.

Calearo Antenne, with Headquarters in Isola Vicentina, near Vicenza (Italy), develops and manufactures advanced communication technologies since 1957, working in synergy with the world's leading car manufacturers. 

The business unit acquired by the MTA Group includes the activities of the Italian site of Isola Vicentina, consisting of the assets, patents, licences, and know-how utilised to produce various types of antennas (5G cellular, Wi-Fi, WB, AM/FM, DAB, SDARS, GNSS, V2X, etc.) both for original equipment and the aftermarket for the automotive, motorbike, truck and off-highway industries. The agreement safeguards all jobs, in fact all the people employed by Calearo Antenne have been transferred to MTA Antenne.

"I am sure that the acquisition of Calearo’s company branch will expand our business in new technologies related to vehicle connectivity, also thanks to the strong synergies with our electrical and electronic R&D departments." declared Antonio Falchetti, Executive Director of MTA. "We can think, for example, of the constantly growing technologies that allow vehicles to be connected to each other or to the surrounding infrastructure (V2X), which Calearo already supplies to one of the world's leading OEMs. Consider also other technologies such as 5G, NFC and UWB that guarantee greater driving safety and innovative user features such as software over-the-air (OTA), keyless entry, vehicle-as-hotspot, streaming and cloud connectivity. I would also like to emphasise my pleasure in having acquired a reality in the automotive sector rooted in Italy, saving its invaluable know-how and preserving a workforce of over 120 employees in Italy,” Falchetti concluded. 

Today, with the acquisition of Calearo’s Italian business unit, the MTA Group reinforces its commitment to the development of new technologies that will allow the company to increasingly present itself as a “one stop shop” for the development and production of components that are part of the electric/electronic architecture of the vehicle. With this acquisition MTA gains expertise also in the field of antennas and connectivity, one of the main trends of the new mobility.

Studio Giulia Pusterla (certified public accountants in Como) advised MTA S.p.A. and MTA Antenne S.r.l. in all the phases of the acquisition process.


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