Solution to Fuse Failure

2023-12-29 XC News
fuse,plug fuse,self restoring fuse

Solution to fuse Failure

1. Replace with a suitable fuse model

Don't rush when a fuse malfunctions. Disconnect the circuit first, eliminate the problem, and then replace it with a new one. The quality and model of the new fuse must meet the specified range of the circuit.


2. Perform an overload test on the fuse

Conducting overload testing on fuses can effectively detect the quality of the fuses and select appropriate fuse models. After being tested on the machine and found to be fine, they can be installed and used.


Can the fuse still be used after the circuit is overloaded?

Answer: Whether the fuse can still be used after the circuit is overloaded depends on the type of fuse you installed in the circuit. If a disposable fuse is used in the installation circuit and the fuse blows after the circuit is overloaded, a new fuse needs to be replaced. If a self restoring fuse is used, the fuse will automatically block eXCessive current in the event of overload. After troubleshooting, the fuse can automatically recover and connect the circuit after some time.


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