Applications of Self Recovery Fuse Parameters

2023-12-20 XC News
Self recovery fuse

IH: Maximum working current (25 ℃)


IT: Minimum operating current (25 ℃)


Itrip: Overload current


Tmax: Maximum action time of overload current


Vmax: Maximum overload voltage


Imax: Maximum overload current


Rmin: minimum resistance (25 ℃)


Rmax: Maximum resistance (25 ℃)


Self recovery fuse application

The self recovery fuse is connected in series in the DC/AC power circuit. DIP direct insertion or SMD surface mount can be selected PPTC has no positive or negative polarity. As PPTC is in a protected state and has a high surface temperature, it should be installed in a ventilated state. High temperature sensitive components should not come into direct contact with PPTC.


Application scope:

Application of Self Recovery Fuses in ADSL Devices


Application of Self Recovery Fuses in Radio Products, Battery Packs, and Charger Products Overcurrent Protection in Automotive Electronics and Components


Application of remote control electric toy cars, high-frequency and low-frequency power chargers in electronic toys such as electric toys and baby strollers


Application of Satellite Receiver DVB Products

The Application of Self Recovery Fuses in Communication Terminal Equipment Products


Application in Power Supply Products

Home Theater/Speaker/Divider/Electromagnetic Load/Motor/Vacuum Cleaner


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