How to Select the Type of Self Recovery Fuse for Procurement?

2023-12-20 XC News
self recovery fuse,self restoring fuses

The selection of self restoring fuses has always been a classic topic in the electronics industry. On the way to PTC selection, there is always a model that belongs to you, accompanied by the "Six Steps" of ensuring power supply:


1) Determine parameters: standard working current, maximum working voltage, maximum fault current, and maximum working environment temperature;


2) Determine the PTC that can adapt to the maximum working environment temperature and standard working current using a temperature reduction table;


3) Use the electrical characteristic table to verify the maximum electrical rating of the self recovery fuse selected in Step 2 and compare it with the maximum working voltage and fault current of the circuit;


4) Determining the action time: In order to provide a better protection effect for the circuit, it is crucial to clarify the working time of PTC;


5) Verify the working temperature of the environment; Ensure that the minimum and maximum ambient temperatures for the application are within the operating temperature range of PTC;


6) Determine the external dimensions of PTC: Use the external dimension table to compare the external dimensions of PTC with the space of the application.


On the way to purchasing self restoring fuses, if you want to avoid being fooled, seek professional help and avoid detours


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