Selection Guide of Self Recovery Fuse

2023-12-21 XC News
Self recovery fuse,self restoring fuses

Self recovery fuses are widely used for overcurrent protection of power lines, communication lines, and I/O ports in electronic products such as communication, security, industrial, automotive, and consumer products. So, in actual circuit protection, how should we choose the appropriate model of self recovery fuse to achieve the best protection effect? Regarding the selection of self recovery fuses, Baodian Tong will explain to you:


Step 1: Determine the standard working current, maximum working voltage, maximum fault current, maximum working environment temperature, action time, and other parameters for the normal operation of the protected circuit;


Step 2: Determine whether it is a plug-in PTC or a patch PTC based on the characteristics of the protected circuit or product;


Step 3: Select PTC products with a withstand voltage level greater than or equal to the maximum working voltage based on the maximum working voltage


Step 4: Select the appropriate product specifications based on the maximum ambient temperature and standard operating current in the circuit, and compare them with the PTC temperature reduction rate;


Step 5: Confirm whether the selected product meets the required action protection time based on the action time curve of the PTC model;


In the actual process, many protected circuits require extremely complex requirements, and the specific model selection of PTC still needs to be determined based on experimental testing. I would like to learn more about the application of self restoring fuses, maintaining power supply, and interesting and informative technology. Be the first to know.


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