YINT‘s Telephone Signal and Other Communication Lightning Protection Solutions

2023-11-10 Yint News

With the widespread application of communication bus technology, lightning and interference have become common problems encountered by various communication buses in practical projects. Lightning can cause serious damage to systems composed of various communication buses, and electromagnetic interference can also seriously affect the data transmission quality of communication buses. To this end, a communication bus lightning protection circuit capable of preventing induction lightning and anti-interference and realizing a universal solution is proposed. Shanghai YINT has developed the following solutions for telephone line transmission:


1、Universal Telephone Line Lightning Protection Circuit (Common Mode GDT 10KA 4000V Level)


Suitable for circuits, telecommunications, POS terminal equipment, fax, and other related products that use telephone signals, etc.

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2、Universal Telephone Line Lightning Protection Circuit (Differential Mode GDT 5KA 1500V Level)

Suitable for circuits, telecommunications, POS terminal equipment, fax, and other related products that use telephone signals, etc.


Products Selection


All the above solutions can pass the "Communications Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China" YD/T993-2006.


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