What Do You Need to Pay Attention to when Storing Board-to-board Connectors?

2023-09-27 ANTENK News
board-to-board connectors,connectors,What Do You Need to Pay Attention to when Storing Board-to-board Connectors,ANTENK

The insulation inspection rules of the board-to-board connector: the same type of insulation material produced by the qualified supplier, the product performance is stable (no quality problems in one year and returned), and every 5 tons of sampling inspection.

For the new insulation material or the insulation material or sample of the qualified supplier or the supplier of the second supply, the second sample should be sampled for type test, and the subsequent five deliveries should be sampled, and after passing, it can be converted to separate batch sampling. If the insulation material is found unqualified at one time, it shall be sampled according to the provisions of the first batch of supplies. Each batch of insulation materials must be accompanied by the supplier's material warranty or test report.

Sampling method: 2 bags or more per lot. The test items are tensile strength, elongation at break, dielectric strength, volume resistivity, 80℃ volume resistivity, oxygen index, and density.

The performance that cannot be tested shall be accepted according to the manufacturer's test report or warranty. Packaging insulation material with plastic film bag, external PP woven fabric/kraft paper composite packaging, each bag net weight 25±0.2kg, but no negative deviation per ton.

Board to board connector insulation material packaging must indicate the manufacturer name, material model and name, production date, net weight and product certificate, and other marks. Electronic wire connector insulation material in the factory should be accompanied by the manufacturer's quality guarantee certificate or quality inspection report. When supplying, the manufacturer must attach the type test report of the statutory inspection department. For normal supply, the manufacturer must provide the type test report of the statutory inspection department every two years.

Transport board to board wire connector insulation material should not be exposed to the sun, or rain, and packaging should not be damaged.

Storage board to board wire connector insulation material should be stored in a clean, cool, dry, ventilated warehouse. The storage period is 12 months from the production date.


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