A GaN 15W L-Band (1.2-1.4GHz) Input Matched Packaged Transistor CHZ015A-QEG in SMD Package Based on Quasi-MMIC Technology

2023-10-09 UMS News
input matched packaged transistor,CHZ015A-QEG,UMS

The CHZ015A-QEG is a GaN 15W L-Band (1.2-1.4GHz) input matched packaged transistor. It is based on Quasi-MMIC technology.


The circuit operates in pulsed mode and features an output power of 18W with more than 13dB associated gain and a high PAE, of up to 55%.


It allows broadband solutions for a variety of RF power applications in L-band. This circuit is particularly well suited for pulsed radar applications.


The CHZ015A-QEG is manufactured on a 0.5µm gate length GaN HEMT process. It is supplied in a low-cost SMD package 24L-QFN 4×5.

Main features:

  • Frequency range: 1.2-1.4GHz

  • Small signal gain: 19.5dB

  • Power: >15W

  • Associated gain: >13dB

  • PAE: Up to 55%

  • Saturated drain current: 650mA

  • DC bias: VDS 45V @ ID_Q 100mA

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