JUMO BlackLine CR-GT/-EC/-GS Conductive 2-Electrode Conductivity Sensor

●JUMO BlackLine CR-GT
with the cell constants K = 1.0
The GT version features a special graphite as the electrode material. The graphite has been especially treated to achieve ・ in conjunction with suitable evaluation devices - measuring ranges up to 100 mS/cm and above.
A temperature probe can optionally be integrated. The conductivity sensor with 120 mm fitting length and a shaft diameter of 12 mm can be used in combination with standard pH or redox electrodes in suitable built-in fittings. The sensor is also ideally suited for linking with handheld or laboratory measuring equipment. When used as an online sensor, suitable flow-through fittings must be employed (see JUMO data sheets 202810, 202820, 202822).
●JUMO BlackLine CR-EC
with the cell constants K = 0.01, K = 0.1 and K = 1.0
The principal features of the EC version are its very compact construction and the Pt100 that is integrated as standard. With a fitting length of just 40 mm (or 63 mm), the sensors can also be screwed into pipelines with a small nominal diameter. To this end, the conductivity sensors either have a G 1/2A or 1/2"-14 thread.
The version with K = 1.0 achieves a measuring range of 0.1 to about 5000 pS/cm (5mS/cm). Titanium pins function as the measuring electrodes here. The version with K=1.0 has been implemented as a coaxial cell and can be used to about 1000 pS/cm. Sensors with K = 0.01 cover ranges from 0.05 to 20 pS/cm. They are therefore extremely suitable for pure and high-purity water applications. The electrode material for these sensors is stainless steel 1.4571.
●JUMO BlackLine CR-GS glass conductivity sensors K = 1.0
Glass conductivity sensors are used to conductively determine the electrolytic conductivity of aqueous solutions. The cell constant of the sensor isK = 1.01/cm. These sensor can be supplied with an integrated Pt 100 masuring insert, as an option.
Versions with a Pg13.5 threaded cap can be incorporated in suitable fittings (sse data sheets 202810, 202820, 20,2822 and 202825).


JUMO BlackLine CR-GTJUMO BlackLine CR-ECJUMO BlackLine CR-GS202922 Series202922202922/10-...202922/20-0100-1003-60-144-20-5000-040202922/20-...202922/20-0100-1003-60-104-20-5000-040202922/20-0010-1003-60-144-20-5000-040202922/20-0001-1003-26-144-20-5000-063202922/20-0010-1003-26-104-20-5000-040202922/20-0001-1003-26-104-20-5000-063202922/30-...202922/30202922/20202922/10202922/10-0100-0000-84-104-83-0-120202922/10-0100-0000-84-413-20-5000-120202922/10-0100-1003-84-413-20-5000-120202922/10-0100-1003-84-413-83-0-120202922/20-0100-1003-60-104-20-5000-40202922/20-0100-1003-60-144-20-5000-40202922/20-0010-1003-26-104-20-5000-40202922/20-0010-1003-26-144-20-5000-40202922/20-0010-1003-26-104-83-0-40202922/20-0001-1003-26-104-20-5000-63202922/20-0001-1003-26-104-83-0-63202922/20-0100-1003-60-104-83-0-40202922/30-0100-0000-61-413-22-0-120202922/20-0001-...202922/20-0010-...



Conductive 2-Electrode Conductivity Sensor






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