Simplify connection and deployment, Renesas released CK-RA6M5 and CK-RX65N IoT development kits

2022-06-24 Renesas
IoT development kits,CAT-M1 cellular module,MCUs,RA6M5

As more and more IoT devices have been released to the market, system designers face growing challenges with connecting these devices to networks or the cloud. To help simplify connection and deployment, Renesas released CK-RA6M5 and CK-RX65N IoT development kits, which are the first in the RA (RA6M5) and RX (RX65N) families MCUs to deploy the RYZ014A CAT-M1 cellular module.

These kits are ideal for developers who are new to IoT device development and who are trying to address a challenge with Cellular on IoT devices deployment. The kits include a SIM card, sample software for cloud connections, and a US $10 trial AWS account fee so that users can connect to the cloud and start their IoT device development immediately.

In this blog, I will introduce the key features, benefits, and use cases of using cellular connections.

First, let’s review the key components of the kits.

The RYZ014A Pmod provides cellular connectivity to the RA6M5 and RX65N cloud kits

Both kits are equipped with 6 sensors for temperature/humidity, gyro, barometric pressure, SpO2, and indoor/outdoor air quality, which are often used as sensors for IoT equipment. In addition, they also include two Mems microphones, four user LEDs, and one user switch.

Key components called out on the RA6M5 and RX65N cloud kits

The kits also incorporate expansion connectors that support 2ch of Pmod (Type-6A or Type-2A) and Arduino Uno®, making it easy to add sensors and modules. The debugger supports onboard debugger, enabling jump-start of development by just connecting to the USB cables.

Expansion connectors on the RA6M5 and RX65N cloud kits

For applications on the cloud side, we provide a customizable AWS dashboard, making it easy to develop applications such as remote monitoring systems.

The Renesas AWS dashboard

The benefits of using cellular are:

●No additional network infrastructure is required and no constraint on placing IoT equipment

●Communications can be established where the mobile devices are installed

●Secure, easy communications using a closed network

●Reliable connection with cellular

Because of these benefits, cellular is ideal for the following use cases:

Use Case 1) Placing equipment in a large factory or a place where it is difficult to install network devices.
Example: infrastructure monitoring equipment such as meters, equipment placed outdoors such as outdoor units of air conditioners, vending machines, etc.

Use Case 2) Tracking assets such as moving bodies, mobile terminals
Example: Controlling logistics such as containers and materials, equipment monitoring, etc.

We will also support Microsoft Azure RTOS as a solution for CK-RA6M5 and CK-RX65N and continue to expand our cloud solutions offerings. Please try the kits and enjoy your IoT device development!

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