Crocus TMR Sensors Offer High Magnetic Sensitivity and Low Power Consumption for Smart Lock Systems

2023-02-15 Crocus Technology News
TMR sensors,switch,sensors,CT81xx

We all know how important curb appeal is. It’s the first impression for any potential buyer. And the second? That’s when they walk up to the front door and check the home’s security.

According to a recent study by, seven in ten home buyers want a smart home, and 78% are willing to pay more for a home with smart devices, in particular those associated with security – keyless smart locks.

As with any security product, reliability is essential – and these systems are only as good as the switch sensors they contain. Traditional solutions like reed switches and Hall-effect sensors tend to be fragile and struggle with low voltage output and temperature fluctuations.

Today, smart lock systems are moving to TMR sensors, which have the decided advantage of offering both extremely high magnetic sensitivity and less susceptibility to temperature change. Their high sensitivity performance and smaller form factor enable the designer to reduce the size of the magnet or select a lower-cost material. And, unlike reed or Hall-effect sensors, even if the alignment is off, TMR can detect from a long distance and pick up the signal.

Crocus Technology offers sensors that pair with a complementary magnet to provide foolproof position feedback. No complicated calibration is required and the battery-operated system provides extended life, drawing less than 110 nA of current.

These advanced sensors, the Crocus CT81xx series, offer stable magnetic operation over the operating temperature range. The smart lock can also incorporate the CT81xx switch to signal an open or closed door condition. Best of all, the application circuit can be easily integrated into system designs.

Today, the smartest smart locks employ Crocus TMR sensors, with high sensitivity, longer battery life, and low power consumption.

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