Taoglas‘ GSA8845 Wideband 5G/4G I-Bar Adhesive Antenna helps UDlive protect UK freshwater from aging sewer networks

2022-10-19 Taoglas News
Wideband 5G/4G I-Bar Adhesive Antenna,Adhesive Antenna,GSA8845,TAOGLAS

About UDlive 

UDlive develops environmental sensor technology enabling digital transformation, compliance, increased efficiency, and reduced costs in a variety of industries - the water industry being their biggest market. Currently, UDlive works primarily in the UK and is expanding overseas.

The Challenge 

UDlive began working with the local water authority on underground sewer monitoring for multiple counties in the UK. When levels rise, this causes the risk of raw sewage overflowing into the freshwaters, causing beach access closure. With over 400,000 sewer spillages in 2021 in the UK alone, it has become a sizable environmental issue.

UDlive was tasked with optimizing the aging sewer networks by updating the current system to reliably monitor sewer levels, flows, and blockages, which can cause overflow, thereby causing a serious health threat. The monitors that need replacing are located under heavy metal access lid covers or manholes. External antennas were not an option because they caused technical problems due to environmental exposure. 

Being underground in damp conditions created a challenging environment. Only sparse weak signals were being received. UDlive felt the pressure as they had a deadline to perform a pilot test for the water authority, working up to a full-scale live deployment date. 

“We were having difficulties with poor antenna signal quality. We reached out to a few different companies and Taoglas gave us by far the most technical and customer support of anyone we talked to,” said Phil Bennett, UDlive Technical Director.

The Solution

Familiarity with Taoglas’ reputation of being a manufacturer of quality products, UDlive and their distribution partner, EBV, reached out to Taoglas. The experienced Taoglas engineers suggested a variety of standard antennas to use that were already tested in similar conditions. 

“Because of Taoglas’ vast experience in various markets, particularly at poor coverage in challenging environments, Taoglas was able to quickly suggest a product and provide us with a quick solution,” said Phil. 

“Also getting access to knowledgeable people is paramount, especially in the time crunch we were in. Engineers, salespeople, and customer service were willing to follow things up and engage so that we had the right solution with the right product.” 

The GSA8845, an off-the-shelf standard product was chosen, along with custom cabling. A silicone boot was used to insure product reliability in a damp environment. 

“Whenever we asked about delivery dates or other production information, we always get that information very quickly and it’s that’s not always the case with a lot of our suppliers. Taoglas have been very responsive to us. It’s been very good.” - Craig Barclay, EBV

Featured Taoglas Product

GSA8845  Wideband 5G/4G I-Bar Adhesive Antenna

Dimensions: 176*59*14mm 

RoHS and REACH Compliant

The Outcome

It only took a few weeks from start to finish to implement the GSA8845 for UDlive’s monitoring system under thick metal, in a damp challenging environment. The antenna provided strong coverage with strong reliable signal strength. 

“Taoglas supported us with an extremely fast development pace. Also, lately, we were having supply chain issues but are pleased that we’ve received a product on time with Taoglas, allowing us to meet the beta deployment deadline, and at the beginning of this year, we’ve gone ahead at full-scale.”

 “I wish we had been in touch with Taoglas sooner. Taoglas not only provides premium products for our customers, but it also provides us with confidence.”

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