Do You Know Some Precautions In The Use of Semiconductor Refrigeration Chips?

2023-07-12 Aurin News
semiconductor refrigeration chips,Some Precautions In The Use of Semiconductor Refrigeration Chips

As a device with excellent performance, semiconductor refrigeration film must be familiar to all of you. Today, we will introduce the matters needing the attention of semiconductor refrigeration chips to you.


1. When you don't know the cold and hot sides of the refrigerator, you can use this method to connect the red wire to the positive pole of the power supply and the black wire to the negative pole. In the case of no heat dissipation, power on immediately for testing, that is, touch the two end faces of the refrigerator by hand, and you will feel that one side is hot and the other side is slightly cold. However, the time should not exceed 5 seconds, otherwise, because the hot end temperature is too high, the equipment will easily burn out.


2. In general, the positive pole is usually indicated by red and the negative pole is indicated by black, which is the connection mode of the thermoelectric refrigerator. When heating is needed, only the polarity of the current needs to be changed. The switching power supply must be used for refrigeration, and the ripple coefficient of the power supply should be less than 10%.


3. In order to prolong the service life of the thermoelectric refrigeration piece, the periphery of the refrigeration parts should be sealed. We have two methods: one is to seal with 704 silica gel; the other is to seal with epoxy resin. The purpose of sealing is to completely isolate the thermocouple of the refrigerator from the outside air. It has the function of being moistureproof and can prolong the service life of a refrigerator.


The above three points are for the semiconductor refrigeration chip in the use of matters needing attention

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