Briefly Describe the Intelligent Transformation Direction of Connectors Industry

2023-04-10 valnk Industry information

The industrial 1.0-4.0 era has its own advantages. They will coexist and develop for a long time, and jointly move towards intelligent manufacturing. There is no unified model for intelligent manufacturing in the field of connectors, and the application is the best. The overall development direction is to focus on the development of industry 3.0 with the lowest cost and the highest benefit and industry 4.0 customized according to the needs of users in the future.


1、 Digitalization

Through a large number of data analysis, "perception" of industrial processes. The industrial sensor is a multi-class, multi-purpose, multi-index, and industrial data acquisition system that lays the foundation for intellectualization. Today's connector enterprises have adopted a large number of computer-aided design (CAE) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies in the process of design and production. 


2、 Networking

Use interconnection, high-speed transmission, and cloud computing to break through the information island. One is to get through the data flow inside the factory, and the other is to get through the data flow of upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain. Finally, realize the digitization of the whole life cycle of the product. For example, connector-leading enterprises have successfully broken through the internal information island of the enterprise through the application of enterprise resource planning (ERP), product data management (PDM), and manufacturing enterprise production process execution system (MES). At the same time, the data flow of upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain is opened up through supplier relationship management (SRM) and customer relationship management (CRM) software.


3、 Intellectualization

Through the independent understanding, learning precipitation, and knowledge formation of massive data and information in the production process, the intelligent device finally realizes independent decision-making. Based on massive industrial data, the core content of intelligent manufacturing is to deeply integrate and analyze a large number of industrial data, and improve product quality and efficiency through new manufacturing modes such as flexible production, dynamic regulation, and network cooperation. For example, the intelligent three-dimensional warehouse of aerospace electrical appliances is put into use, and the products enter and exit through the warehouse assembly line. It has the ability to ship 800 boxes out of the warehouse 8 hours a day. The QR code in the finished product box is automatically scanned and the product information is input, which realizes the automatic batch management of product orders. As long as the order is selected during delivery, it can be delivered automatically. While reducing the labor intensity of delivery, it can effectively improve the accuracy and reliability of finished product order management.

According to the "14th five-year plan" for intelligent manufacturing development in 2021 (Draft for comments), by 2025, manufacturing enterprises above Designated Size will basically realize digitization, and backbone enterprises in key industries will initially realize intelligent transformation. In 2035, the digitization of Enterprises above the Designated Size in the manufacturing industry will be fully popularized, and the backbone enterprises will basically realize intellectualization. 2025 is the key node for the initial realization of intelligent manufacturing.

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