Chroma‘s New Automated Test Software Platform PowerPro 5 Solves EVSE Parallel Testing Headaches

2023-04-07 CHROMA News
automatic test system,software platform,automated test systems,smart manufacturing systems

Quality is a key indicator in production line testing. The test equipment's accuracy and stability, as well as the soundness of the test plan, all have a significant impact on the efficacy of product quality testing. Deploying test procedures through automated test tools is an effective way to develop a test plan that takes into account both test efficiency and product quality. Such test procedures typically consist of a sequence of steps that are only automated for a single session. However, to meet the needs of applications such as parallel testing of multi-coupler EVSE, a new solution is required: multi-thread testing.

CHROMA is proud to announce that Chroma 8000 automatic test system now ships with the upgraded PowerPro 5 software platform. Using the new Multi-Threading Test Item Editor, users can program and modify the scripts of multiple test item threads to be used alongside the main test item. Each test item thread is then executed according to the user-written test script in parallel with the main test item, especially suitable for simultaneous testing or for applications that require a large amount of computation. This multi-thread test structure helps to reduce test time and improve throughput, overall providing users with a more efficient testing software platform.

PowerPro 5's Multi-Thread Test Structure

Designed in response to the rapid development of the EV industry, the Chroma 8000 PowerPro 5 multi-thread test framework is suitable for a variety of EV testing situations. For example, in order to accommodate all the different international charging interfaces (CCS for USA/ EU, CHAdeMO for Japan, and GB/T for China), there is a trend towards multi-coupler EVSE, which allows a single charging station to charge different EVs at the same time.

Chroma 8000 PowerPro 5's multi-thread test functionality can simulate multiple EVs and multi-coupler EVSE communicating with one another at the same time using the specified communication interface and system configuration. Offering extensive parameter configurations, it's the ideal software solution for multi-coupler EVSE distributed or full power testing.

Chroma is a leading manufacturer of precision electronic measurement instruments, automated test systems, smart manufacturing systems, and comprehensive test & automation turnkey solutions. With nearly 40 years of experience in test and measurement equipment, Chroma continues to provide cutting-edge test solutions for New Energy industries including Electric Vehicles, Microgrid Storage, and Fuel Cells.

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