What is 5G Technology and Where Will 5G Technology be Applied

2023-11-29 usr News
5G technology

What is 5G technology?

Many people must firmly believe that they have mastered the core technology of 5G and are the king in the field of 5G technology. But what 5G technology is?

5G is actually the fifth generation of wireless network communication technology. 5G, as a new network communication technology, is a new generation of global wireless communication technology after 4G.

To be precise: 

5G is not a separate technology, but a communication standard. In this way, 5G technology does not belong to any company or country in essence but should be regarded as the crystallization of communication technology of many countries and companies around the world.

To put it more bluntly, 5G is the fifth-generation communication technology. As long as it meets the standards of the fifth generation communication technology, it can be regarded as 5G technology. According to the scientific definition, 5G technology is actually a huge patent pool with various technologies and standards.

In addition, when it comes to 5G technology or communication standards, we have to mention an organization, the 3GPP organization. This organization was founded in 1998. At first, it was founded by Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States. We joined it in 1999.

The full name of the 3GPP organization is the International Telecommunications Standards Organization. The main task of this organization is to formulate international communication standardization standards and carry out unified communication labeling.

To put it bluntly, this organization is to set standards and coordinate global communication norms-similar to our industry associations here.

So the organization has the final say on how to develop 5G technology, how to define it, and whose standards to use in what scenarios. The coding specifications of the 5G communication network are selected and decided by the organization's meeting through voting.

As for 5G voting, one of the most impressive things here is probably the voting gate of a certain idea. I will not discuss it here.

Voting began in October 2016, and the result was that in the three areas of data long code, data short code, and control code, the first two were Qualcomm's standards, and the latter were Huawei's standards.

Of course, this is only a part of 5G technology and standards, and the rest of the standards have not yet been fully finalized.

If other enterprises need to use this intellectual property (which can not be bypassed), they need to pay patent fees. In addition to these basic standards, the patent pool also needs other patents, often different enterprises will have different contributions. This is mainly to avoid repeating the same thing, mainly to avoid wasting scientific research technology, capital, and manpower.

In this case, the use of other people's part of the patent can be given money can be used; Patents can also be cross-licensed with each other, you use mine, I use yours, and so on.

Think about it: 

if a company develops all the functions of 5G, the work will be too big or impossible to complete.

The 3GPP organization mentioned earlier is responsible for organizational coordination and standard-setting business, mainly to avoid mutual wrangling or waste of resources, and it will be more efficient for one company to be responsible for one area.

At this point, it is estimated that many people have fully understood that 5G technology is a new generation of communication technology, which can not be developed by a country or a company. This technology is developed by many countries and companies in the world, such as certain companies, Nokia, Ericsson, Qualcomm, Samsung, and so on.

Many people will certainly have a small question, that is: Which country first developed 5G technology?

South Korea's Samsung was the first company to develop 5G technology in the world. In May 2013, Samsung was the first to invent 5G hardware. But that doesn't mean the Koreans were the first to develop 5G technology.

As mentioned earlier, 5G communication technology includes not only hardware and software, but also various systems, application scenarios, and so on. But there is a fact: in April 2019, South Korea has become the first country in the world to apply 5G.

But now some big communication companies in the world have a lot of patents in the field of 5G technology. Generally, the patent of the invention belongs to the person who owns it.

Today, the total number of standard patents declared in the 5G field is as high as 5124. According to the declared 5G standard patent holders, the patentees holding more than 1000 families of 5G standard patents include Huawei, Ericsson, Samsung, and so on.

Among them, Huawei ranked first with 1481 declared patents (28.90%). Ericsson ranked second with 1134 declared patents (22.13%), and Samsung ranked in the top three with 1038 declared patents (20.26%).

So is it true that the more patents it holds, the more powerful the company's 5G technology is? In fact, not necessarily, these patents include a variety of things. Some patents are just made by you first, which does not mean that others can not make them. In fact, many patents do not involve core technology.

Later, in the field of 5G, a concept called essential patents was put forward, that is, if you want to play 5G, these patents can not be bypassed. At present, in the field of essential patents, Qualcomm is still the first brother.

Because of Qualcomm's huge investment in R & D, it is estimated that no one can shake this lead in a short time. It is estimated that in the future, each 5G mobile phone will have to pay 5% of the patent fee to Qualcomm, which is expected to exceed 10 billion US dollars.

Writing here, there must be a lot of people who will come out to refute: If someone is not strong, why should the Americans restrict and suppress it?

In fact, there is only one fundamental reason: people feel that it is not safe to use certain technology in some key areas of communication, and they need to replace it. To put it bluntly, many countries need to use their own domestic products in core areas for their own information security.

Finally, let me analyze an interesting question: Why has 5G technology been mentioned so little in recent years? Is the heat not as high as before?

Countries around the world and various communications companies build the core goal or purpose of 5G is: improve data transmission speed, reduce network latency; Support more users and devices to use at the same time, create high-quality communication services, and improve network efficiency.

In this way, 5G technology can be applied to driverless technology, interconnection technology, medical technology, industrial automation, robotics, and so on in the future.

But now everyone should know: where is 5G applied?

In fact, we have mainly applied it to mobile phones, that is, turning the previous 4G communication into 5G communication. Of course, some operators take this as a reason and an opportunity to raise the cost of mobile phones.

But I say a word of conscience, 5G technology only used in the field of mobile phones is actually not very meaningful, for example: watch a movie, play a game, brush a video, and so on, now the 4G network can also meet the basic needs of users.

The ultimate application scenario of 5G technology should be the interconnection of all things and the exchange and communication between big data. However, the current situation is that 5G technology can not find a suitable application scenario.

5G was supposed to be used in the industrial, military, or high-tech fields. To put it bluntly, the greatest value of 5G technology lies in industrial interconnection, industrial and technological applications, not in personal mobile phones.

5G technology has not found a more suitable application scenario now, so the hot spot of 5G has begun to become less popular and has begun to cool down slowly. To put it simply, if 5G is to be applied to the Internet of Everything or industrial scenarios, the current technology is not yet mature.

5G technology is a communication technology and a new generation of communication scenarios created by the whole world. This technology is the result of cooperative research by many countries and companies and does not belong to any country alone. However, the real scenario of 5G technology is not yet mature, so it has begun to cool down slowly in recent years.

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