Ultra Low Power LDO Designed for Low-Power Electronics and Battery Operated Systems | Diotec

2021-05-25 Diotec
Ultra Low Power LDO,LDI812C-3.3SFA,Ultra Low Power LDO,LDI812C-3.3SFA

The Internet of Things is constantly evolving all around the world. Many of these devices are compact, wearable, battery powered or integrated into consumer and industrial electronics. Minimizing the battery discharge is an essential need for keeping these electronic gadgets work for long durations. It requires LDOs with very low quiescent currents, for minimizing power consumption during stand by mode.

The LDI812C-3.3SFA from DIOTEC is a CMOS based high voltage low-dropout positive voltage regulator, specifically designed for low-power electronics and battery operated systems where power savings are decisive. This device can be operated at a wide range of input voltage up to 16 V. It features a fixed output voltage of 3.3 V and output current rating of 50 mA. Dropout voltage is as low as 230 mV and quiescent current ultra-low at typically 1 µA.

The device facilitates minimal board space due to its small outline dimensions and a potentially smaller output ceramic capacitor of 1.0 µF.


——CMOS Based Voltage Regulator

——Low Dropout of typically 230 mV

——Quiescent Current typically 1.0 µA

——Narrow Tolerance ± 2 %

——Low Power Consumption


——Internet of Things

——Portable & Battery Powered Devices

——Communication Devices

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