JF1200 High-Power Motion Cable, with Ultra Low Loss, Stable Amplitude And Stable Phase

2024-09-26 JunCoax Official Website
ultra flexible motion coaxial cables,cables,ultra flexible coaxial cable,motion cables

Sports Cable Series

In today's rapidly changing modern communication technology, cables, as an important carrier of signal transmission, have always led the industry in terms of technological development and innovation. The ultra flexible coaxial cable stands out in specific fields due to its outstanding flexibility and durability. This type of cable uses special materials and process design to maintain stable performance in complex and dynamic environments. Its ultra flexible characteristics make the cable less prone to damage during bending, twisting, and other actions, while ensuring stable signal transmission.


In addition, ultra flexible motion coaxial cables also have excellent resistance to tension, wear, and corrosion, and can work for long periods of time in harsh environmental conditions. These advantages make ultra flexible motion coaxial cables an ideal choice for professional applications and special environments.



Compared to traditional cables, JF1200 motion cables adopt a lightweight design while maintaining excellent mechanical strength and flexibility, making them easy to install and maintain. Among cables of the same series, JF1200, as a cable with a larger wire diameter (outer diameter 12.2mm), can often carry higher currents, thanks to its larger conductor cross-sectional area, making it advantageous in high-power, long-distance transmission or situations requiring high current transmission.

The wire diameter also means higher mechanical strength, which can resist greater external impact and compression. Its good heat dissipation performance helps cables dissipate heat better when transmitting high currents, reduces cable temperature, improves cable safety and service life, making it suitable for various complex and harsh environmental conditions.

Common connectors

Test report

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