4g Lte Router How to Bridge Another Router: Deep Analysis and Application Practice

2024-08-29 usr Official Website
4g lte router,router

In the vast field of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), network stability and scalability are key factors for enterprises to pursue efficient and intelligent production. With the increasing complexity of industrial networks, the coverage and capabilities of a single router often struggle to meet the demands of large-scale, multi node production environments. Therefore, mastering 4g lte router bridging technology has become one of the essential advanced skills for industrial IoT engineers. This article will delve into how 4g lte routerbridges another router, as well as the unique applications and advantages of this technology in industrial scenarios.

1.Basic principles of 4g lte router bridging 4g lte router bridging essentially connects two or more routers wirelessly or wired to form a larger network coverage area, while achieving seamless transmission and sharing of data. This connection method not only expands the physical boundaries of the network, but also improves the reliability and flexibility of the network. In industrial applications, bridging technology is commonly used to solve problems such as long-distance communication, signal blind spot coverage, and multi plant interconnection.

1.1 Wireless Bridge WDS 

Wireless bridgingis a common way of 4g lte router bridging, which uses wireless signals to establish a connection between two routers. Wireless bridging does not require physical wiring, reducing costs while increasing network flexibility. When configuring wireless bridging, it is necessary to ensure that the SSID network name, channel, encryption method, and other parameters of the two routers are consistent to avoid communication conflicts and signal interference.

1.2 Wired bridging

Wired bridging is the direct transmission of data by connecting the LAN or WAN ports of two routers through Ethernet cables. Wired bridging has the advantages of high stability and fast transmission speed, making it particularly suitable for industrial environments that require high communication quality. When configuring wired bridging, attention should be paid to IP address allocation and conflict issues to ensure that each device can correctly recognize and communicate.

2.Specific steps for 4g lte router bridging

2.1 Main router configurationFirstly, configure the main router. In industrial grade 4G wireless routers, it is usually necessary to insert an internet SIM card to establish a network connection. Set the default "3G/4G dial-up" function to ensure that the main router can automatically dial up to connect to the network. At the same time, perform external network access ping detection to verify whether the network connection is normal.

2.2 Secondary router configuration

Next, configure the secondary router. Change the IP address of the secondary router to a different network segment IP address from the primary router to avoid IP address conflicts. For example, if the IP address of the primary router is, the IP address of the secondary router can be set to At the same time, change the default internet access method of the secondary router to "dynamically obtain address" and cancel the setting of "changing WAN port to LAN port" to obtain the network from the primary router.

2.3 Enable Bridge Function

In the settings interface of the secondary router, find and enable the bridging function WDS. Depending on the specific router model and firmware version, this step may be located under options such as "Wireless Settings" or "Bridge Settings". After enabling the bridging function, the secondary router will start searching for surrounding wireless signals.

2.4 Select and Connect the Main Router

In the signal list scanned by the secondary router, select the SSID number of the primary router and click "Connect". At the same time, set the channel and encryption method of the secondary router to be the same as that of the primary router to ensure smooth and secure communication.

2.5 Turn off DHCP service

To avoid IP address conflicts, it is necessary to disable the DHCP service in the DHCP server settings of the secondary router. In this way, the secondary router will no longer allocate IP addresses, but will be uniformly allocated by the primary router.

2.6Testing and VerificationAfter completing the above settings, save the configuration and restart the router. Use mobile phones, computers, and other terminals to connect the WiFi signals of the main router and the secondary router respectively for internet testing. If everything is normal, the terminal will be able to successfully obtain an IP address and access the Internet.

3.The advantages and applications of 4g lte router bridging

3.1 Advantages

Expand network coverage:Through bridging technology, the physical boundaries of the network can be expanded to achieve long-distance communication and signal blind spot coverage.

Improve network reliability:When a router fails, other routers can automatically take over its work, ensuring uninterrupted network operation.

Reduce wiring costs:Wireless bridging does not require physical wiring, reducing wiring costs and difficulty.
Enhance flexibility:Bridge technology can flexibly adjust the network structure according to actual needs to meet diverse industrial application requirements.

3.2 Application Scenarios

Multi plant interconnection:In large industrial parks, data sharing and remote monitoring need to be achieved between different plant areas. Through bridging technology, multiple factory networks can be connected to form a unified industrial Internet of Things system.

Remote device monitoring:In remote areas such as mines and oil fields, remote monitoring and maintenance of equipment are required. Bridge technology can ensure stable communication between remote devices and the central control room.

Mobile job scenarios:In logistics, warehousing, and other mobile job scenarios, employees need to access the internet anytime, anywhere. Bridge technology can ensure that network signals cover the entire work area and improve work efficiency.

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