SANYO DENKI Launches SANUPS A11M 100VAC Highly Reliable Parallel Redundant UPS To The U.S. Market

2024-08-22 SANYO DENKI Official Website
Highly Reliable Parallel Redundant UPS,parallel redundant double conversion online UPS,UPS,SANUPS A11M

SANYO DENKI has launched a UL-certified version of single-phase 2-wire 100 and 200VAC SANUPS A11M parallel redundant double conversion online UPS. By combining 1kVA UPS units, output capacity can be expanded up to 8kVA.

SANUPS A11M Highly Reliable Parallel Redundant UPS features fully autonomous parallel redundant operation. In situations where a single UPS failure might normally result in a system shutdown, the unit smoothly transitions to battery operation. This prevents immediate shutdowns, ensuring uninterrupted functionality and bolstering overall reliability. This outstanding feature guarantees heightened dependability and a consistent power supply. The product's wide input voltage range makes it an excellent choice for providing backup power to a variety of critical institutions.

From public facilities and transportation networks (including roads, railways, and airports) to hospitals, financial institutions, and data centers, the SANUPS A11M is a versatile solution that meets diverse power backup needs.


1. High Reliability

UPS units can be combined in a parallel redundant configuration to provide stable power.

2. Wide Input Voltage Range

The input voltage range is 55 to 150V, and the input frequency range is 40 to 120Hz.
Even with poor power conditions, these wide ranges reduce the number of unnecessary transfers to battery power, minimizing battery drain.

4. Easy Maintenance

Battery packs can be replaced from the front even during inverter operation. UPS units can be replaced without interrupting output during parallel redundant operation. In addition, power can continue to be supplied even if an outage occurs during maintenance.



Public institutions, transportation (roads, railways, airports), hospitals, banks, data centers

Release Date

July 17, 2019 (Original Version)

Note: The information stated in this release is current as of June 11, 2019.
“SANUPS” is a trademark of SANYO DENKI CO., LTD.

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