Tag Bluetooth trackers Are Powered by a Small Button Battery CR2032 and CR2025

2024-07-28 LiJia Official Website
lithium manganese button micro batteries,button battery,lithium coin batteries,CR2032

Tag Bluetooth tracker is a small and efficient device that can be easily attached to various daily necessities such as keys, wallets, handbags, etc. This tracker has a built-in Bluetooth chip and transmits information through Bluetooth signals after connecting to smart devices such as mobile phones. Users only need to install the corresponding application on their mobile phones to check the location of items at any time and realize item tracking and positioning.

Tag Bluetooth trackers are usually powered by a small button battery

As a small and powerful finder, the Tag Bluetooth tracker is designed with portability and practicality in mind. It is usually made of lightweight materials, stylish and easy to carry, and usually uses CR2032 and CR2025 lithium manganese button micro batteries. The Omnergy brand lithium coin batteries for the Tag Bluetooth tracker have a long battery life and excellent discharge stability and can work stably in various environments. It provides the best power solution for item tracking applications.

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