PROSE Unveiled Revolutionary EPIC DAS Solutions at Connect (X) 2024

2024-05-30 Anandale Official Website
EPIC DAS Solutions,EPIC solutions,Enhanced PROSE Integrated Coverage solutions,EPIC-LPRU

PROSE Technologies proudly announced the U.S. debut of its latest innovation in active Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS)—the EPIC (Enhanced PROSE Integrated Coverage) solutions at Connect (X) 2024. The unveiling at the event marked a significant milestone in PROSE's history as it led the charge toward a new era of connectivity solutions.

Fig.1 EPIC DAS Solutions

A New Generation of Connectivity 

The EPIC solutions introduce a revolutionary suite of connectivity solutions that redefine the landscape of wireless communication. This comprehensive range includes the low-power remote units (RADiAnt/LPRU), the medium-power remote units (MPRU), and the high-power remote units (HPRU), each designed to meet diverse market needs with unparalleled efficiency and effectiveness. 

Empowering Partners and Customers

EPIC is poised to transform the telecommunications sector with its array of significant benefits:

1. Compact and Efficient: The EPIC-LPRUs, recognized globally as the industry's smallest unit size, optimize efficiency without compromising performance, ensuring optimal deployment and resource utilization.

2. Revolutionizing 5G MIMO: Engineered for the widest band coverage available, the EPIC solutions stands as a robust solution for 5G Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) applications, spearheading the wireless technology revolution.

3. Green Technology Innovation: With a deep commitment to environmentally conscious practices, the EPIC solutions significantly reduces power consumption per MHz of frequency band coverage, highlighting PROSE’s dedication to sustainability and energy efficiency.

4. Scalable Growth: The innovative per band, per operator pay-as-you-grow software/hardware concept allows for scalable system evolution, accommodating various operational needs without the complexities or costs typically associated with expansion.

5. Advanced Monitoring and Assurance: EPIC’s robust monitoring systems and comprehensive quality assurance ecosystem ensure peak performance of the DAS, incorporating self-healing capabilities and leveraging machine learning for enhanced operational effectiveness.

A Vision for the Future

Mike Shumate, North American President of PROSE, emphasized the practical benefits: “Customers want innovation and adaptability along with lower total cost of implementation and ownership. EPIC embodies and specifically addresses these principles with the ability to grow and evolve as needs and technologies change while reducing the need for additional infrastructure which significantly addresses current and future costs. We are very excited to bring this portfolio to the market.”

As PROSE makes its foray into the U.S. market with the EPIC solutions, it continues to lead in technological innovation, promising a more connected, efficient, and sustainable future in wireless communication.

Join us at Connect (X) 2024 to see the EPIC portfolio in action and discuss how we can support your business needs. For more information about our innovative solutions, please visit


PROSE is a global team of wireless communication professionals driven by a mission to connect people’s lives, their work, and everything in between. We strive to provide the most innovative and advanced wireless communication solutions in the market. We are proud of being an industry leader and invite all our partners and customers to join in our journey to revolutionize the telecom industry and witness a better future where we are all connected.

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