WACKER Has Produced A Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) ELASTOSIL® LR Series for 2K Injection Molding

2024-05-28 WACKER Official Website
Liquid Silicone Rubber,LSR,self-adhesive liquid silicone rubbers,ELASTOSIL® LR

WACKER has vast experience with Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) and its associated processing methods. WACKER liquid silicone rubber meets all relevant specifications, is ideal for use in 2K injection molding and has proved to be just as effective for manufacturing precision components as for the mass production of complex parts within narrow tolerances. 

The Future Lies in Hard/Soft Combinations

Liquid silicone rubber and high-performance plastics make the perfect combination for manufacturing sophisticated products used in various industrial applications. These hard/soft combinations are becoming particularly popular in the automotive, electronics, hygiene and medical engineering sectors, where the ever stricter strength requirements cannot be met with conventional technologies.

In anticipation of this growing trend, WACKER developed its ELASTOSIL® LR series of self-adhesive liquid silicone rubbers. WACKER versatile product range for combination with not only engineering plastics, but also metals, glass, etc., offers the answer to all of your challenges. Multicomponent injection molding opens up completely new options for design engineers and product designers. 

Benefits of an ELASTOSIL LR soft component:®

Very good heat stability up to 180℃: no melting or creeping

Low-temperature flexibility: down to -50℃

Chemical resistance: for use as seals in coolants, hot water, engine oils, etc.

Aging resistance: to UV, heat, x-rays

Unlimited pigmentability

Low compression set compared with TPEs

Medical grades available

No toxic combustion products

Excellent environmental compatibility

Free from plasticizers

Advantages of two-component injection molding:

Improved productivity

No assembly

Readily automated

Efficient process control

Short cycle times

Parts do not require secondary finishing

High process reliability

Top quality: Less risk of damage during production

Simplified logistics

One article drawing

One processor

One quality control

One article number

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