Successful Launch of TELE‘s Modular EcoX IoT-system

2024-05-23 TELE Official Website
ecoX solution,modular ecoX IoT-system,TELE

On April 11, TELE finally presented the latest technological solution ecoX to numerous interested visitors at an exclusive launch event. TELE kicked off the event with an exciting intro by Markus Stelzmann (management) about TELE and how the idea for the ecoX system developed from TELE IoT business area.

TELE then had the pleasure of experiencing a keynote speech by Matthias Spitzer (RLB NÖ-W). In his inspiring presentation, he impressively showed us the demands that banks will place on construction sites and projects in the construction industry in the future. But that’s not all, TELE also organised a panel discussion with Manfred Wachtler (SÜBA), Maximilian Wiegert (TU), Michael Schmidt (TM3), and Matthias Spitzer, in which TELE was able to shed light on the different perspectives of the construction industry. It was fascinating to see how diverse the views and approaches can be and how important it is to understand and consider this diversity.

Another highlight of the TELE launch event was the opportunity to present the innovative ecoX solution to an enthusiastic audience. TELE team Peter Dollfuß and Igor Senjak highlighted the identified pain points and challenges in energy management and outlined the clear advantages and benefits TELE sees for the construction industry. TELE's all-in-one solution offers easy plug-and-play installation while ensuring maximum security. TELE is convinced that TELE's solution will make a significant contribution to increasing efficiency and saving costs in the construction industry: ecoX optimizes energy management through advanced data collection and analysis, enables intuitive online control, and helps to meet sustainability targets through accurate ESG reporting. The functions speak for themselves:

1. Real-time energy monitoring

2. Targeted energy optimization through automation

3. Automated ESG reporting

4. Simple integration via plug & play

After the inspiring presentations, exciting discussions, and the presentation of TELE's ecoX solution, TELE was able to round off the event in a relaxed atmosphere. Snacks and drinks provided the perfect opportunity for networking and further exchange of ideas. TELE would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants for their interest and contributions to this successful event.

It was great to share the interest in a more sustainable future with all of you!

Fotocredits: (c) David Bohmann

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