The Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z20 Offers Precise Voltage Regulation, Stable Voltage References and Effective Overvoltage Protection

2024-05-20 SLKOR Official Website
Voltage Regulator Diode,MM3Z20,MM3Z18,MM3Z2V0

Zener diodes are essential components in electronic circuits, particularly for voltage regulation and overvoltage protection. Among the various types available, the MM3Z20 stands out for its specific characteristics and applications. In this article, we'll delve into the specifications, applications and performance analysis of the MM3Z20 Zener diode.

SLKOR Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z20 product photo


Overview of MM3Z20:

The MM3Z20 is a Zener diode designed for voltage regulation and voltage reference applications. Its key specifications include:

VZTyp (Typical Zener Voltage): 20V

VZ (Zener Voltage Range): 18.8V to 21.2V

PD (Power Dissipation): 300mW

Ir (Reverse Current): 100nA at 15V

Zzt (Zener Impedance): 50Ω

Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z20 specification


These specifications provide crucial information about the diode's operating parameters, allowing engineers to design circuits with precise voltage regulation and protection capabilities.


The MM3Z20 Zener diode finds applications in various electronic circuits, including but not limited to:


Voltage Regulation: One of the primary applications of Zener diodes is voltage regulation. The MM3Z20, with its stable Zener voltage of 20V, can be used to regulate voltage levels in circuits such as power supplies, ensuring a constant output voltage even with fluctuations in input voltage or load conditions.


Voltage Reference: Zener diodes are often employed as voltage references in electronic circuits, providing a stable and precise reference voltage for analog and digital systems. The MM3Z20's tight tolerance in the Zener voltage range makes it suitable for applications requiring accurate voltage references.


Overvoltage Protection: Zener diodes are commonly used for overvoltage protection, safeguarding sensitive electronic components from excessive voltage spikes or transients. The MM3Z20, with its low reverse current and high power dissipation capability, can effectively clamp voltage surges to protect downstream circuitry.

Parameters of Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z20


Performance Analysis:

The performance of the MM3Z20 Zener diode can be analyzed based on its key specifications:


Zener Voltage (VZ): The typical Zener voltage of 20V with a tight tolerance range of 18.8V to 21.2V ensures stable and accurate voltage regulation or reference.


Power Dissipation (PD): With a power dissipation rating of 300mW, the MM3Z20 can handle moderate power levels without experiencing thermal runaway or damage.


Reverse Current (Ir): The low reverse current of 100nA at 15V ensures minimal leakage current, contributing to the efficiency and reliability of the circuit.


Zener Impedance (Zzt): The Zener impedance of 50Ω indicates how the Zener voltage varies with changes in the applied current. A lower Zener impedance results in better voltage regulation performance.



The MM3Z20 Zener diode offers precise voltage regulation, stable voltage references, and effective overvoltage protection in electronic circuits. Its specifications, including Zener voltage, power dissipation, reverse current, and Zener impedance, make it suitable for a wide range of applications where accurate voltage control and protection are paramount. Engineers can leverage the MM3Z20 to design robust and reliable electronic systems across various industries.

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