The Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2 Features A Maximum Power Dissipation of 300mW and A Stable Voltage Value of 6.2V

2024-04-28 SLKOR News
Voltage Regulator Diode,MM3Z6V2,MM3Z18,MM3Z2V0

The SLKOR Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2 features a maximum power dissipation of 300mW and a stable voltage value of 6.2V. The device operates within a voltage stability range of 5.8V to 6.6V, with a reverse leakage current of 1μA. This Voltage Regulator Diode boasts fast response time, compact size, and lightweight, making it ideal for applications in portable devices like Bluetooth earphones.

Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2 product photo

Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2 specification


The total power dissipation of the Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2 is a maximum of 300mW. This indicates that the diode can withstand significant power loads under normal operating conditions, making it suitable for circuits requiring handling of higher currents. The device features a small plastic package suitable for surface mount design. Surface Mount Technology (SMT) is a widely used technique in modern electronics manufacturing, offering advantages such as high assembly density, reliability, and strong vibration resistance. The small plastic package means the diode occupies minimal space, facilitating installation and use on circuit boards with high integration and limited space. Additionally, it has a tolerance of approximately ±5%. This tolerance range is acceptable in practical applications, especially in situations where voltage accuracy requirements are not extremely stringent.

Parameters of Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2


The Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode MM3Z6V2 has several applications in Bluetooth earphone battery circuits. Firstly, it stabilizes the voltage. During discharge, the voltage of Bluetooth earphone batteries tends to gradually decrease, which can potentially damage internal circuit components. This diode helps reduce voltage fluctuations. Secondly, it prevents overvoltage. The diode quickly conducts when the voltage exceeds its breakdown voltage, limiting the voltage within a safe range and preventing overvoltage. Lastly, it improves battery utilization efficiency. Stable voltage output means internal earphone circuit components can work more efficiently, reducing unnecessary power consumption and extending earphone battery life.

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