The Voltage Regulator Diode BZT52C2V7 Epitomizes Precision, Versatility and Reliability in Electronic Design

2024-05-13 SLKOR News
Voltage Regulator Diode,Zener diode,BZT52C2V7,BZT52C3V3

In the realm of electronic engineering, precision is paramount. Meet the BZT52C2V7 Zener diode, a tiny yet powerful component that plays a significant role in ensuring accuracy and stability in electronic circuits. Let's explore the features and applications of this remarkable device.

SLKOR Voltage Regulator Diode BZT52C2V7 product photo

1. Precise Zener Voltage (VZTyp: 2.7V)

At the heart of the BZT52C2V7 lies its Zener voltage, set at a precise 2.7V. This characteristic makes it an ideal choice for applications requiring consistent voltage regulation. Whether it's maintaining a stable power supply or protecting sensitive components from voltage fluctuations, the BZT52C2V7 ensures reliability in every electronic design it graces.


2. Versatile Voltage Range (2.5V to 2.9V)

Flexibility meets precision with the BZT52C2V7's stable voltage range of 2.5V to 2.9V. Engineers can leverage this wide range to tailor their circuits to specific requirements while still benefiting from the diode's precise voltage regulation capabilities. From handheld devices to industrial machinery, the BZT52C2V7 adapts seamlessly to diverse applications, offering unparalleled versatility.


3. Robust Power Handling (PD: 500mW)

Despite its compact size, the BZT52C2V7 boasts impressive power handling capabilities, with a rating of 500mW. This feature ensures efficient power distribution within electronic circuits, enhancing overall reliability and performance. Whether it's driving LEDs or regulating voltage in audio amplifiers, this Zener diode handles power with finesse, empowering electronic designs to reach new heights.


4. Minimal Reverse Current (Ir: 20μA@1V)

In the world of electronics, every microamp matters. The BZT52C2V7 excels in this aspect, with a minimal reverse current of just 20μA at 1V. This low leakage current ensures that the diode maintains its stability and accuracy over extended periods, contributing to the longevity of electronic systems and minimizing energy wastage.

Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode BZT52C2V7 specification

Applications Across Industries

The versatility of the BZT52C2V7 extends across a wide spectrum of industries and applications:


Consumer Electronics: From smartphones to smartwatches, the BZT52C2V7 ensures stable power delivery, prolonging battery life and enhancing user experience.

Automotive Systems: In vehicle electronics, the diode regulates voltage, protects sensitive components, and ensures reliable operation under varying conditions.

Industrial Controls: From control panels to PLCs, the BZT52C2V7 provides precise voltage references, enabling seamless operation of industrial machinery and equipment.

Renewable Energy: In solar power systems, the diode stabilizes voltage fluctuations, maximizing energy efficiency and reliability.


The BZT52C2V7 Zener diode epitomizes precision, versatility, and reliability in electronic design. Its precise Zener voltage, wide voltage range, robust power handling, and minimal reverse current make it an indispensable component across industries. As electronic systems continue to evolve, the BZT52C2V7 remains a steadfast ally, empowering engineers to push the boundaries of innovation and achieve excellence in their designs.

 Parameters of Slkor Voltage Regulator Diode BZT52C2V7

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